
воскресенье, 9 февраля 2014 г.

              Proper Nutrition for a Teenager

Teenage age - a very important period in human life.

In 14-16 years, begins the active formation of the endocrine glands and hormonal changes.
At the age of 17-18 years adolescent body is almost completes "the transition to the adult stage," but the power of adolescents in this age group still need to pay special attention.

Proper nutrition of adolescents should be regular and balanced. Breakfast (25% of the daily ration), lunch (35-40%), second lunch (15%) and light dinner (20-25%).
For breakfast worth eating hot meat dishes and snacks. For example, vegetable or fruit salad , a sandwich with butter and cheese, you can wash down with hot tea drink cocoa , jelly , rosehip infusion or compote . Coffee teenagers especially in the morning is contraindicated . Ideally, this porridge with milk, meat or fish stew or casserole or vegetable stews .
At lunch simply vital pohlebat first , soup , chicken broth , and so on . Necessarily hot second . Meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or grains. Just it is useful to eat lunch in the fresh fruit. Do not abuse the cereals , this dish enough times a day thereof . But it is advisable to use different cereals cereals . Necessarily be present in the diet of buckwheat, oats and millet grains.
As a teenager, nutrition does not have to attend an afternoon snack . First, it will replace the unwanted snacking , and secondly, bring a lot of benefits to a growing organism . As it should consist of dairy and bakery products .
Dinner should be light so as not to overload the stomach at night . This can be a casserole , easy porridge , scrambled eggs . And just before bedtime is very good to drink a glass of milk is not cold and better with honey.

1 комментарий:

  1. Hi ! I am15 years old and i have some problems with my skin . I will try to have a proper nutrion,maybe it will help me.
